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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

HR Questions

1. Do you ever outperform others? Tell me a time that demonstrates this?
2. Do you prefer a slow, medium, fast paced environment and why?
3. Do you ever take on to many tasks?
4. Do people come to you for answers and why?
5. How important is it to you to be the best?
6. Do you prefer to be part of a group or to lead a group and why?
7. What do you look for in a company that you work for?
8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how competitive are you and why?
9. How important is it for you to be 'liked' by your peers?
10.Did anyone approach you if they face any obstacles? When?
11. Explain me about the character of any of your manager?
12.Explain me the best reputation or the best compliments about your work?
13. Have you felt very proud of yourself when you accomplished
14. Rate yourself from 1 - 5 about your honesty.
15. Did anyone feel you are friendly in nature? Explain
16. Is your character the same with everyone or changes from person to
17. What type of characters do you feel to work out with.
18. Are you liked by your colleagues?
19. Do you get your things done because they like you?
20. Whom do you share with if you complete your work?
21. How did you deal with the conflicts?
22. DO you to be busy always are free?
23. How do you manage things on a typical day?
24. What will you do if there are many projects due at a time?
25. Do your colleagues approach you for any help? Example.
26. How do you thank your colleague for their help?
27. Do you feel that you need to be recognized for your work?
28. If there are many distractions beside you while you are working what
will you do?
29. Are you focused? Example.
30. If your voice is ugly in the group what will you do in the discussions?
31. Will you according to the plan or according to the flow.
32. Will you take decisions according to the facts or indigenous?
33. If all the things are equal will you like to be in the group or take the
lead position?
34. Will you like to instruct someone?

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