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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


1.RTOS(Real time operating system) is mostly a "time triggerred". where as GPOS(General purpose operating systems are "event triggerred" .
2.GPOS are "Unpredictable" while RTOS are "predictable" .
3.RTOS uses "priority preempitve scheduling" while most GPOS uses "round robbin" way of scheduling.

Some core functional similarities between a typical RTOS and GPOS include:

1.some level of multitasking,
2.software and hardware resource management,
3.provision of underlying OS services to applications, and
4.abstracting the hardware from the software application.

On the other hand, some key functional differences that set RTOSes apart from GPOSes include:

1.better reliability in embedded application contexts,
2.the ability to scale up or down to meet application needs,
3.faster performance,
4.reduced memory requirements,
5.scheduling policies tailored for real-time embedded systems,
6.support for diskless embedded systems by allowing executables to boot and run from ROM or RAM, and
7.better portability to different hardware platforms.

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